when it's time for a

go high level expert

On these big, bad, digital streets, where fleeting trends and web celeb coaches with their cookie cutter frameworks are the norm, I’ve always believed in a different ethos: customize the foundation your business deserves.

Go High Level is the business software that allows you to customize a business foundation that grows with you.

Tamara MacDonald, Go High Level software expert and digital marketing specialist.

But can we All agree that Customizing A Foundation for our own business is anything but simple?!

We're too close. It means too much. We're emotionally attached...

...and worst of all - IT. MUST. BE.


Yup, purrrrr-fect or it's trash.

Maybe you've been working on your website for months (or longer - ack!) and you've swapped out templates 3 or 4 times. You've got chunks of placeholder text on every page because your brain freezes when you go to write it out and you don't know what to say.

Or maybe you've been trying to cobble together your sales funnel but the dang tech has you cross-eyed with confusion and you've had fantasies of dropping your laptop off a 14-story building.

You know that to scale you need to integrate some automation into your sales process but what is the trigger that needs to fire for all the action steps to work and what the hell is a Zap?!

You love the all-in-one aspect of using Go High Level, but the software is SO ROBUST and new features and updates keep dropping every week and you can't keep up. You start to question if you have the bandwidth to really be using the software to it's full potential.

If any of the above resonates, it's time to connect with an expert.

I'm The Expert

I'm Elbows Deep In Go High Level Every Day

...the solution, the result of all this pain and suffering, and now...

you are on a mission to help others just like you!

what i do

Explain in a brief sentence or two, what this

package includes and how you can help.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et.

video proof

Add some video testimonials if you have them.

They are really powerful.


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